Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Are there no patriots in Government or is it too late?

Are there no patriots in Government or is it too late? Have you all been compromised? The criminally subversive madman in the White House has defamed and marginalized every man and woman in Congress. They are a disgrace to the nation. They bask, intoxicated from the victories of their latest political siege, as the president rampages on his quest to destroy all semblance of law and order and trample on our Constitution as if it were worthless rubbish. Republicans disgrace themselves, their party and country, standing complicit in the downfall of our nation and it's plunge into chaos. It is this chaos that makes us perilously vulnerable to hostile nations. And Democrats, you should never again utter the words "the party of the people". Your lack of courage and indifference to the actions of the president makes you unworthy. You would allow the nation and government to be compromised for personal and political gain.
Now is not the time to seek what lies dimly in the future, but is to do what is clearly at hand. There was no FBI or DOJ when the framers included the language of "other high crimes and misdemeanors" in the Constitution. You need not wait for Mueller to complete his investigations. Do your job. Draw the articles of impeachment and proceed. That is your duty.
This president has disgraced the office and the country since the day he was sworn in. He continues on a course to alienate every ally we have ever had and has decimated our government's infrastructure, circumventing and evading safeguards designed to mitigate such treachery. He has eviscerated the chief law enforcement agency of the United States in order to undermine Federal criminal investigations into his election campaign, himself, his family, his private enterprises and associates.
I repeat House Democrats, you need not wait for Mueller to complete his investigation before you draw up articles of impeachment. This president has blatantly committed high crimes and misdemeanors. There is no defense for his actions and there is no ambiguity. Do your job, because the alternative could lead to the total downfall of this government and perhaps ignite the fuse to civil war.
Do not push your responsibilities off onto the FBI. They have their own job to do. One last thing, if you remain indifferent and are incapable of comprehending the urgency of the situation after Trump's disgraceful press briefing, subsequent to his act of obstruction of justice in the firing of his Attorney General Jeff Sessions today, you are unworthy of your office and you further disgrace this nation. So I ask again, is it too late? Are there no patriots in Congress? Have you all been compromised?

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