Monday, December 25, 2017

What's on your mind Christmas 2017

As our broken and disgraced Congress rushes home for the holidays, pushing past journalists to "get out of Dodge" with hopes it will all go away and no one noticed how disgustingly horrible they've been, or the time bomb they just lit the fuse to in the form of tax relief for the rich paid for by the poor, middle class, and debt they piled on our great grand children's children. We notice, and it won't all just go away. We face a crisis of nation in which our very democracy is in peril and the answer is staring us right in the face. But only if the right question is asked.

If substantial and corroborated evidence exists proving a foreign government covertly influenced and/or manipulated the outcome of our elections, shouldn't the elections, for all intents and purposes, be declared null and void, regardless of the outcome? If the answer is yes, the question then becomes by whom and by what mechanism is this to be accomplished? The FBI? The DOJ? NSA? Congress? The Constitution has no remedy to declare elections null and void. It is for this reason that the extra-constitutional remedy we come up with, must be included in an amendment to the Constitution.

Impeachment is the constitutional remedy to remove an individual or individual from office for cause. What we require however, is for the entire election and process to be declared null and void. Additionally, we require a halting and reversal of anything done by the new administration to include, by not limited to: Executive Orders, Cabinet appointments, judicial nominees and seating, and any laws or acts enacted by Congress signed by the administration in question. And, any personnel changes to made to any government office or agency. Additionally, any federal laws enacted, or state laws enacted to comply with federal law subsequent to the election must be struck.

This is a crisis of nation and of such perilous magnitude that it rivals our war of independence from Great Britain. However instead of starting over, it will be a reset to default, which no longer exists. Do we recall to duty the entire last administration and line of succession?  The honor, integrity, and the sovereignty of our government and democratic system of election is at stake. People, this is not a "but...but..." moment here! What I'm talking about on Christmas Day 2017 is not a war in some foreign land. I'm talking about subversion right here in America and it's been going on right in front of our noses. The lack of normalcy and attempts to rationalize the irrational by the government and main stream media has clouded minds and diluted the words and thoughts of the people. How sad is that? Don't blink, your country may not be here if you do....Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone...

Thursday, December 21, 2017

malis politicus ad infinitum

Democrats get elected, blame mess on Republicans, raise taxes to fix the mess. After years of blocking everything Democrat, Republicans get elected, blame high taxes and mess on Democrats, proceed to cut taxes and mess things up until...

Democrats get elected, blame mess on Republicans, raise taxes to fix the mess. After years of blocking everything Democrat, Republicans get elected, blame high taxes and mess on Democrats, proceed to cut taxes and mess things up until...

Democrats get elected, blame mess on Republicans, raise taxes to fix the mess. After years of blocking everything Democrat, Republicans get elected, blame high taxes and mess on Democrats, proceed to cut taxes and mess things up until...

Democrats get elected, blame mess on Republicans, raise taxes to fix the mess. After years of blocking everything Democrat, Republicans get elected, blame high taxes and mess on Democrats, proceed to cut taxes and mess things up until...

Democrats get elected, blame mess on Republicans, raise taxes to fix the mess. After years of blocking everything Democrat, Republicans get elected, blame high taxes and mess on Democrats, proceed to cut taxes and mess things up until...

Democrats get elected, blame mess on Republicans, raise taxes to fix the mess. After years of blocking everything Democrat, Republicans get elected, blame high taxes and mess on Democrats, proceed to cut taxes and mess things up until...

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Can we all agree on just a few things?

OK now, please hear me out. Can we all agree that America has used a lot of petrol fuel since Ford put his first car on the road? Can we also agree that we've been paying taxes on that fuel and those taxes, were to go to maintenance and new construction of our roads, highways and bridges?

I say again, we've been paying taxes on gas and diesel fuel since Henry Ford drove his first car off the assembly line, and the tax money that was collected from the sale of fuel was supposed to go towards maintenance and new construction of roads, highways and bridges. If those things are true, why then is our infrastructure a crumbling and dangerously deficient, catastrophic event waiting to happen? Our government, our elected officials, have been misappropriating tax dollars for over a century with no real accountability. They are not now, nor have they been, doing the will of the people.

Then they have the nerve to bitch about deficits when the majority of the deficit originated from providing tax breaks to the wealthy. Meanwhile, government can't afford their obligation to make payments to Americans who've been paying into the system for decades and when they need it most, the government slash their payments to cover up the fact they can't stop their embezzlement to fund special interest projects supported by the lobbyists of their campaign donors.

To add insult to injury, they've also managed to embezzled TRILLIONS upon TRILLIONS of dollars from the Social Security trust fund, a government created program in which people have been paying a portion of their salaries and wages into for decades. An embezzlement of the people's money, all to pay for more special interest pork and tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations, whose lobbyists have been so nice to them over the years. An accounting entry to divert income collected from taxes and other sources, to pay for things that would otherwise not get funded. Pure graft.

Don't you think it's time to put an end to this overstuffed, unaccountable, gluttonous pig of a government's appetite for self enrichment, ignoring constituents and spending other peoples money?

Raul Revere rode by screaming stuff last night...What was he screaming?...I don't know, I went back to sleep...

Deceit entangles the unwitting pawn with choices that appear inconsequential. They take from you in your best interests. But it's in their best interests not yours. They pollute minds with lies and distortion. A misinformation campaign of purposeful chaos and stress to get you going in too many directions in order to conceal the corruption of their kleptocracy. The greatest country on earth is on life support and our elected officials are playing golf, tweeting, molesting children and knowingly allowing the poor and middle class to suffer yet again from trickle down economic tax breaks to millionaires, that have never worked, and you still expect us to believe it's in our best interests?

I am loath to say we're at a tipping point, when truth will finally unite the common man into choosing between complicit blindness, or rebellion against the unjust and the long corrupted. When the last straw has been placed and the camel's back is broken, I say woe to the rulers, the elitists and "untouchables". The unmasked greed mongers who peddle death in the name of God and country. The elected who fill their coffers with lobby money, choosing wealth over morality, humanity and the best interests of the people who elected them. Woe to them, for the Second Coming and the Day of Reckoning won't amount to a pimple on a pedophile's ass when they finally storm the gates for them.
...just sayin'...