Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Let's be very clear about our best next steps forward...

Lets be very clear in understanding when democrats say the immediate plan going forward is to shore up health insurance markets and "look" at lowering the medicare eligibility age to 55. The reality of this scenario becomes crystal clear but you have to look closely. If you lower the age of medicare eligibility to 55, it means you're basically leaving everyone under 55 in the same sinking insurance boat paying unaffordable health insurance premiums in collapsing markets. By moving those 55 and older from insurance to medicare, you reduce the insurance "risk pools", meaning the costs will no longer be spread over as many insured as there were before, thereby forcing premiums to go up to compensate.

We can not, for lack of a better term "half ass" medicare for all/single payer. Do not let them pull the wool over our eyes in an effort to kick it down the road for years. America can not wait because we can not afford to wait. Medicare for all/single payer can only work if everyone is in. One pool of people, not 50 different states with multiple pools. It's ridiculous to think 50 disparate health care systems will work better and more affordable than one, or that the same cost savings through economies of scale by a single system, can be achieved by 50 different and substantially smaller systems. Again, medicare for all/single payer can work and it can work now. It doesn't take 5 years and then maybe. It can be achieved now by a single pool of people, old, young, sick and healthy, all in. It's really the only viable solution if we are to rid ourselves of the 800 pound insurance gorilla in the room

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