Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Today is a sad day for me...I had to remove a longtime, childhood friend from spacebook...

(Created several months ago as a thought...and "forced" to go public today)

I've known Billy since the 60's...we went to the same church...we were in the Boy Scouts together...and today..I simply could not take it anymore...I'm sad because I HAD to remove him from my friends list on FB. It seems Billy has been overcome by the rightwingnut rhetoric of hate, war, division, and everything anti democrat and especially anti Obama. He has become a war monger. He stands for everything I do not. I wonder how a once nice young Greek kid, could have become so corrupted by the rightwingnuts....how he can continue to proliferate their lies, rhetoric, hate, and division...

I would never have thought that possible had I not been a witness to his posts on FB. What is most puzzling is that in almost every post, he claims to believe in God...He claims to be a servant of God...He claims to be a Christian....The real truth however can be seen in his heart through his posts....there is NO correlation between God and his posts...It's such a shame to see someone who used to be such a good person....become so dark....but I guess that's what is to be expected from those who have a hole in their heart...and allow that hole to be filled with neocon hate and division....he was slowly poisoned by the right...and I fear for his soul...

He has never been in the military...yet he is the first to rattle sabres...to call for putting American lives in harms way...for unnecessary, illegal, and immoral wars. He likens our president to hitler...something right out of glenn brickheads, flush limpdogs, and shun handily's play book. His mind has been poisoned by the rightwing vile that is spewed daily on faux news and similar neocon supporting news agencies...and yet he continues to claim that he is a God fearing Greek Orthodox Christian....The degree of how much he has been blinded by rightwingnut hate and rhetoric is both tragic and appalling..

I don't pray much anymore...and probably by most standards....I'm not a very good Christian...but..at least I know where I stand....and I have no delusions about where I may end up relative to the "eternal life"...That being said....I will pray for you Billy...I owe a once very good friend that much. I will pray that your son NEVER has to go to war..in spite of your many saber rattlings...made by someone who has NO CONCEPT of what it's like to actually be in or experience war/combat.....I will pray that no one in your family is put in harms way by mad men who are blinded by war and destruction...and deep hatred for any and all who do not believe as you do.... I pray that you never get that call or letter from the military informing you of the loss of life of one of your family members..I pray that one day you will come to understand that no matter what the neocons preach...THERE IS NO GLORY IN WAR...WAR IS ANTI GOD!

I pray that if there is a God...he or she forgives you...(because I can't)...and that he or she rescues your soul back from the neocon wackjobs and purveyors of hate and division you seem to lovingly embrace....You think they offer you the solution to a better life....but all they offer you is empty promises, hate, bigotry, division, war, and violent, seditious rhetoric....yes...it is indeed a sad day for me....and a sad day for America...because people like you claim her as their country.....

1 comment:

  1. *sigh* I've had to do the same thing with several of my old high school classmates. I couldn't deal with seeing their hateful bigotry every time I logged on.
