Saturday, October 6, 2018

Well America, here's another fine mess you've gotten us into...

Hey, America, block me, mute me, ban me, do whatever you do, or just get the f*ck out of the way. How's that voting, peaceful transition thingy working for ya? The Republicans had a taste of fascism and heaping portions of Russian caviar and they liked it. These subversive charlatans claim to be doing the will of the people. They are doing no such thing. What they are doing is the opposite and they won't stop until they've either killed us off, or turn us into impotent, vacant lemmings.
Look at the news America. Turn on your radios and TVs while you still can. Look at what this government is doing. We as a nation have been fighting since our inception against the very things this government is doing right here in our own country to our own people. Thousands of people are protesting the government's marginalization of their grievances. The government will lock up every single one of them up if necessary to carry out their fascism. We will never allow ourselves to be ruled by lawlessness, fascists or authoritarians. You don't have enough jails.
This government has overstepped their authority and has breached the trust of the people. It is under federal investigation for election fraud, financial criminality, subversion, espionage and treason. It's full on corrupt, bereft of truth, honor and integrity and is full on fascist. It must stop here! We will NEVER be ruled by fascists, Stalinesque or Putinesque authoritarians, race supremacists, neo-Nazis, or their sympathizers. Make no mistake. Republicans did this and Democrats allowed it to happen, No checks, no balances, no laws, no order, no common sense. Only self enrichment at the peril of the people. This enduring political duopoly of impotent Democratic incrementalism and ruthless Republican policies is neither a representative democracy nor a government of, by, or for the people.
Ignore these signs at your own peril because when the "spectacle" is over, when the marching, the chanting and the obligatory photo op arrests have stopped, America will emerge and they won't be "singing songs and carrying signs" and they won't stop until every last fascist, collaborator or supporter is removed from office, jailed, or executed by a fair, elected, balanced, and politically unbiased court of law, for their treachery against their country and humanity. We held that same "court" at Nuremberg for some of the same issues, we damn sure can do it here.
As it is, I don't believe in God, I believe in America. I'm old and I'm broken, but I am prepared to stand ready and steadfast, to fight and die if necessary for America, yet again. I know in my heart of hearts and in the deepest part of my soul, this current government is NOT America. If you are religious, if you believe in some deity, whoever or whatever they or it may be, I suggest you start praying. If you believe in America, I suggest if you have family, prepare them, make them safe, then prepare yourselves for the most extreme and unselfish sacrifices one could possibly make in defense of your life and the lives of your family and friends. We and we alone will decide if America lives in freedom or dies at the hand of fascism. So, If you are reading this, I beseech you, prepare yourselves for your own good.

It's funny now when I think back on my pop, and how I thought it funny when he stood up when the TV stations went off the air playing the National Anthem. I'm also starting to understand how my pop must have felt when he loaded cases upon cases of canned goods, water and candles in the cellar during the Cuban missile crisis. Yes, we all thought he was a bit off, but he was our pop. Fortunately, cool heads prevailed and it worked out OK for America. But I have a feeling this is different. This is our homeland under attack from within and this time things may not end as well. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna take anymore of this fascist bullshit from this government. So go ahead...come at me bro! You may get to me, you may whip my as*, you may take me down or worse, you may kill me for defending America...but you damn sure won't like it!

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