Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Can we all agree on just a few things?

OK now, please hear me out. Can we all agree that America has used a lot of petrol fuel since Ford put his first car on the road? Can we also agree that we've been paying taxes on that fuel and those taxes, were to go to maintenance and new construction of our roads, highways and bridges?

I say again, we've been paying taxes on gas and diesel fuel since Henry Ford drove his first car off the assembly line, and the tax money that was collected from the sale of fuel was supposed to go towards maintenance and new construction of roads, highways and bridges. If those things are true, why then is our infrastructure a crumbling and dangerously deficient, catastrophic event waiting to happen? Our government, our elected officials, have been misappropriating tax dollars for over a century with no real accountability. They are not now, nor have they been, doing the will of the people.

Then they have the nerve to bitch about deficits when the majority of the deficit originated from providing tax breaks to the wealthy. Meanwhile, government can't afford their obligation to make payments to Americans who've been paying into the system for decades and when they need it most, the government slash their payments to cover up the fact they can't stop their embezzlement to fund special interest projects supported by the lobbyists of their campaign donors.

To add insult to injury, they've also managed to embezzled TRILLIONS upon TRILLIONS of dollars from the Social Security trust fund, a government created program in which people have been paying a portion of their salaries and wages into for decades. An embezzlement of the people's money, all to pay for more special interest pork and tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations, whose lobbyists have been so nice to them over the years. An accounting entry to divert income collected from taxes and other sources, to pay for things that would otherwise not get funded. Pure graft.

Don't you think it's time to put an end to this overstuffed, unaccountable, gluttonous pig of a government's appetite for self enrichment, ignoring constituents and spending other peoples money?

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